Sitting on a Throne of (Half) Lies

So, it’s been a minute. I haven’t blogged in close to three years. One could say I took a creative hiatus, uninspired and languishing in a pile of crumpled up paper, but that’d be a load of crap. I stopped blogging because shit got real. I had one tiny human the last time I sat down to write anything (you remember Baby Danger, yes?), and then out of the blue, Bam! I had another one – Lady Danger.

That’s actually only half-true, too. She didn’t appear out of nowhere – it took 39 weeks to grow a healthy Lady Danger, but I was so damn tired during the whole pregnancy (and sick – because Baby Danger turned into a tiny host monkey once pre-school started) that I never felt funny enough to write. And honestly, what could I have told you? “Fell asleep at 9 pm, in my pregnancy pants… on a toddler bed with a kid who moves like a drunk octopus looking for a pen… while cuddling Manolito the moose doll.” I mean, I could barely find the energy to trim my walrus mustache shower at the end of the night, let alone make time to tell y’all about the miracle of life I was growing.

Sidenote: And what a miracle she is. I mean, it’s not for nothing, but this kid is so sweet and C.U.T.E.A.F. She’s also feisty, often forced to fight off her big brother as he lays claim to all his toys and anything she breathes on… and she can throw down an entire veggie burger at nine months old. Truly impressive. 

Back to my excuses reasons… the bottom line is that I started putting the daily grind above anything I liked doing for myself. I was focused on trying to learn it all – balance home ownership and all that entails (the laundry doesn’t just do itself, people, and apparently the gutters are not self-cleaning), being present with my family and not multi-tasking (still suck at this), working outside the home (also probably suck at this), and all the other adult stuff my parents did before me without complaint; in doing all the adulting, I gained the ability to really focus on one day at a time (with a checklist), but I also allowed myself to get buried in the details. I lost the “one day is one day” mentality of living in the moment.

I will probably continue to struggle with balance (because who doesn’t), but at least I can get back to writing, which is something I’m decent at (maybe not grammatically decent – I just ended that sentence with a preposition). And I can give this tired blog a visual facelift. Yeah, it will probably be more about parenting, less about my cat (yes, singular… sadly our Russian spy ate a large chunk of honey ham from Baby Danger’s second birthday brunch and went over the Rainbow Bridge), but maybe that’s not a bad thing because parenting is hilarious, y’all. It’s probably even funnier when you’re not the one actually changing the diapers.

So stay tuned… it’s good to be back.